Our Company

DFP is the critical safety bridge between the legacy infrastructures we have to work with today and the smart systems we want to work with tomorrow.

Our Vision

A world in which building safety works because code compliance is smart, accessible and easy to navigate.

In 2021, a fire department responded to a fire somewhere in the US every 23 seconds.1 The year prior to that, over 1.3 million fires caused more than $20 billion in property damage.2 Why? Even the most innovative and up-to-code fire safety equipment is often either undocumented, can’t be found easily, is entirely unknown to emergency responders because of inaccessible documentation, or - adding insult to injury - the very equipment meant to prevent damage leads to more damage because no one can find the shut offs after the emergency!

The reality is that fire safety is a disheveled mess of hardcopy paperwork, antiquated processes, and completely nonexistent communication between organizations. As rules, regulations & requirements get more complex, property owners and managers are left to their own devices to keep up with a maze of safety codes to keep buildings safe for employees and tenants. Meanwhile, emergency services are walking into buildings informationally blind. Digital Fire Prevention (DFP) is changing all that.

Digital Fire Prevention is a technology startup with a mission to innovate and revolutionize the fire safety industry. We’re creating solutions that embrace the industry and its unique workflows, providing an end-to-end digital platform that radically uncomplicates the work of keeping buildings and people safe and sets the standards for interoperability across the entire industry.

We exist to make safety systems stronger by making information more accessible, communication more seamless, and compliance easier.

Our Values

Intentional Innovation

The best possible outcomes for emergency situations require deeply considered plans and systems. We apply that same deep consideration to every product, process, system and team so that every step forward for us is a leap forward for the building safety ecosystem.

Human-Centric Design

We are digitally savvy, so our users don’t have to be. We simplify the complexities of building design and safety systems so the people with a responsibility to building safety – and, by extension, a responsibility for the people who live and work in those buildings - can do their jobs better.

Security & Trust

Safety systems are only as strong as their weakest link. Our job is to protect the protectors by improving the whole system by way of strengthening each participant’s contribution to that system.

Our Values

We build digital bridges for the fire safety industry, revolutionizing it by helping all parties involved stay in compliance and reinforcing the system as a whole.


Sean Capps

Sean Capps

CEO | Founder

Sean has more than 25 years of experience helping business owners and building managers comply with fire safety regulations as a trusted partner, while also helping his fire service companies grow market share and regional footprints. Known for building strong relationships with clients, investors and colleagues alike, Sean’s mission as CEO is to build a solution that works with the intricacies and eccentricities of the fire safety industry.

Geoff Roden

Geoff Roden

CTO | Co-Founder

Geoff is a founding partner of RMR Labz, LLC, where he served as Lead User Interface Engineer. He brings experience leading the successful implementation of game-changing enterprise-wide technologies and new business development venture programs to DFP, where he oversees the engineering team, product development and ongoing system improvements.

Gary Pitchford

Gary Pitchford

Angel | Co-Founder

Gary has over 40 years of experience in the fire sprinkler industry, including three decades as the Founder and President of Western Fire Protection, which is today one of the leading fire service companies in the U.S. At DFP, Gary consults on business development.

Stephen Curtis

Stephen Curtis

CMO and VC Development

Stephen brings over 20 years of marketing knowledge, from startups to consulting with P&G, Paramount Studios, Cleveland Clinic, Levi’s Apparel, Toshiba, and American Airlines. He attended USC, both undergraduate and Graduate School of business. Steve has been Adjunct Professor of Stanford for Innovation. He joined the DFP team in 2022 as the Chief Marketing Officer. His major responsibilities include creating an innovative marketing strategy to meet the company’s overall goals for sales and revenue. Also, responsible for overseeing the execution of the marketing strategy by the sales and marketing teams

Thomas Moebus

Thomas Moebus

SaaS and Networking Consultant

Tom brings 25 years of experience with entrepreneurship, innovation, global partnerships, university-industry relations, strategic communications, strategic planning and team building. He founded Octane in 2002 (located in Orange County, CA) to stimulate a region-wide innovation ecosystem in California. As of 2022 Octane has raised over $4.3 billion and created 26,316 jobs. Tom served as the Director of Corporate Relations at Massachusetts Institute of Technology for 16 years and Vice Chancellor at University of California, Irvine for four years.

Brooke Capps-Yaroni

Brooke Capps-Yaroni

Reputation and Operations Consultant

Brooke comes to DFP with 20 years of strategic communications, policy, stakeholder engagement and operations experience in both the non-profit and for-profit sectors. Most recently, she handled executive communications and thought leadership for Mastercard CEO Ajay Banga and then-CEO-elect Michael Miebach. In Banga’s last year at Mastercard, Brooke served as his chief of staff, representing him and his organizational ideas across a wide range of partnerships including the Trilateral Commission, the Partnership for Central America, and WEF’s Edison Alliance, among others. At DFP, Brooke is tasked with establishing the practices, systems and policies that will create the foundation for strong environmental, social and governance practices (including DEI) going forward.